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Focused Ion Beam (FIB) - SEM DualBeam
TEM Sample Preparation
Site-specific sample preparation for TEM, from bulk, multilayer, thin film, particles for high-quality and high-resolution imaging and analysis.
Rectangle shape
<100nm thickness for high resolution S/TEM
APT Sample Preparation
Site-specific samples.
Available for non-conductive samples.
Needle-shaped specimens. Radius on the sharp tip does not exceed 50nm
Multiple samples from a single wedge lift-out.
FIB-SEM Cross Section Imaging
Sub-surface characterization is a more comprehensive understanding of the material’s structure and physical properties.
It is possible to mill the material with FIB and perform high-resolution SEM imaging.
FIB-SEM Tomography
Obtain information on the internal structure of solid specimens.
Slice and view approach allows larger scale nano-structures to be characterized.
Site-specific 3D imaging of sub-micron features.
AVIZO Reconstruction & Analysis
Software of AVIZO from Thermo Fisher.
Reconstruct sliced images into a 3D model.
Identify and analyze specific structures.
Nanoscale Prototyping
Software of Nanobuilder from Thermo Fisher.
A tool for systematic planning of construction of multi-layer nanostructures.
Allows accurate patterns to generate complex structures.
STEM Imaging (STEM3+)
Retractable STEM 3+ detector allows immediate transmission imaging for the TEM sample.